What does SDCR stand for?

The SDCR stands for Strategic Defense Command for Rhona.
It is a group of Rhona fans who want to find out more on Rhona by exchanging information to each other.

What does it do?

Our main goals are to find Rhona Mitra and as the word "Defense" already says we're here to defend her. First we've got to find her of course.

Rules and regulations:

Everybody who's interested is allowed to join in. It's free and you may leave whenever you'd like to. You MUST give a reason why. Not giving a reason results to declaration of war against the SDCR.
Your task is to respond to all mails submitted to you by the SDCR.
The SDCR is devided into five groups :
- Rhona's "holy angels": People who know Rhona very well, see her often and are friends of her. The SDCR doesn't have these people.
- SDCR National Security Garde: They're 24 hours a day available if something important is happening.
- SDCR Mercenaries: You can only contact them on a fixed amount of hours a day.
- SDCR Rookies: They're only available if it suits them. Most of the time that means when they're online.
- People who just want to see more inside information.

Unfortunately not everyone can be equal since one could be more interested as the other. It's only to see how available someone is.
SDCR Mercenaries and the SDCR National Security Garde should give their addresses and phone number to be warned on an event.

There are two ways to terminate the SDCR.
- 1. Rhona Nathasma Mitra gives us directly the order to abort all SDCR operations.
- 2. ALL SDCR members decide to quit.

Lack of response or other actions may result to tactical isolation.
That means a "damnatio" and lamer of the month(s). We do give enough chances to respond.
You may not damage SDCR equipment (our computers). If you do, we'll fight back.

Please don't forget that you must really participate actively. Good hunting! Out.

Interested? Click here to join in.

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